Sunday, June 12, 2011

Natural penis enlargement techniques: Jelquing

 Along with the boom of the Internet, countless Web sites have emerged claiming to hold the secret to male enhancement., organizations and blogs claimed that exercises such as the jelq can make your penis longer and harder.
 As crazy as it may seem, thousands of men have anecdotally reported that jelqs and other exercises do work, although not as effectively as the companies claim (Add four inches in two weeks.
Who are they kidding?)  However, when done properly, the jelq can make the average ,male's penis firmer and harder.
The source of This exercise is unknown, although some believe it is an old Middle East technique.
 According to author Gary Griffin, Sudanese Arab fathers taught their adolescent sons how to jelq in an effort to prepare them for manhood.
Regardless of where the origins of jelquing come from, penis enlargement does not happen overnight, and in most cases requires a brigade of exercises in order to add more than one inch.

One of the reasons I am writing this article is to not only dispel the confusion surrounding penis exercising and jelqing, but also to lay out the exercises that are safe and effective.
Here is a brief overview of how the do, a Basic penis enlargement program.


You'll want to warm up before you jelq.
No matter what ever you do, do not skip this step.
 As one penis exerciser says, "Warming up is a lot like foreplay.
If you take the time to do it well, you get the results in a faster time.

Warming up involves applying heat to your penis for roughly five minutes.
There are several ways to keep warm.
 The most common ways include:

First warm heating pad and wrap around your penis 2.
 Using a wash cloth that's been dipped in hot water and applying it to your penis

Under a hot shower and let the water directly hit your penis 2 - APPLY LUBRICATION After heating, foam your penis with lubrication.
 Lubrication will allow you to effectively jelq your penis.
The lubricants are the most common baby oil and vaseline.


Once you've applied lubrication to your penis, it's time to get your blood flowing.
You do not want an erection, but your penis size should increase between 50 and 75 percent.
 In other words, you want your penis to be between semi-soft and semi-hard (whatever you do, don't jelq with a full blown erection as it is potentially dangerous).
4 - grip your penis with both hands, thumbs and hands to create an OK-grip (if you do it right, it's like giving someone the symbol  OK).

Place the jelqing grip at the base of your penis.
You want the grip as close to your pubic bone humanly possible.


After the grip is in place, apply pressure to it and gently move it up your penis.
The optimum pressure is light but firm. be sure to apply pressure to all tissues inside of your penis.

Make sure to stop the jelq directly before you reach the head of your penis (do not jelq the head).
The entire jelq should be two or three seconds.


After you've done one jelq, subsequently take your other hand and repeat the process. For the first few weeks, do no more than 150 jelqs per workout. Always think safety be sure to stop if you feel pain or discomfort.
 That said, you shouldn't jelq every day - especially in the beginning.
A penis training device I came accross put it  best, Your Penis Needs Time to recover time to recover and periods of rest between training.
 If you don't give your penis enough rest, then jelqing stops becoming healthy and starts becoming dangerous. Just like exercising your muscles,  I  will again repeat; Think Safety First!                                                                                                                          Whatever you do, make sure you:

* Always warming up

* Be gentle with your grip and intensity

* Never jelq with a full blown erection

* Don't jelq the head of your penis

Keep In mind! There is No magic Bullet and no one technique works for everyone.
always be safety conscious! check with your doctor if you notice any pain or an abnormal looking erection. Good luck and have fun with your new and improved male member.


Saturday, May 14, 2011

How to begin an important conversation with your partner

I first want to qualify this post by stating that all you singles out there playing the field, this post probably isn't as relevant to you. Honesty and treating people with respect and dignity is always a relevant issue However, I was once young and single and at one time dating two ladies.When you are young and feeling your Oats it's  a different season of life.  The subject of being a player and handling the feelings and needs of one or more partners is a whole other topic which we may tackle on another day. Today however, I want to talk about the role of honesty in the context of a relationship. On the surface it would seem to be a no brainer  right? If you are in a committed relationship with another person whether it be straight or gay, The only right thing to do is to be straight forward and open about yourself, your needs, your past, you feelings and so on, right?  Then why is it that so many people have such a hard time actually doing this? Especially when It comes to our sexual history our sexual needs  and our hang ups and  fetishes? Sex and Intimacy or maybe the lack thereof, is often one of the hot button issues that causes resentment and fighting between couples. There are times when we all think that knowledge of some person or event from our past may change the way our partner  feels about us if they find out. The truth is, that all too often the person we are with finds out about our past anyway and the resulting feelings of distrust end up creating a much more dramatic scene out of what could have been a simple conversation and an opportunity to bond. Hell, you may even find out that the thing you were worried about just might have the opposite effect on your partner and make them bond with you even more.

The key to maintaining an honest relationship is the ability to communicate in an open and accepting manner.  Many of us in North America have Puritanical roots and speaking openly about sexuality is one of The most difficult things some of us will ever do, even with a kind and accepting partner. the problem often isn't with the partner it's with our own roots and the feelings of shame and insecurity about the base needs and feelings we all have around sexuality. The way I see it there are three main hurdles that must be overcome in order to begin an honest and frank discussion about an issue.

1. To get the courage to speak up about it in the first place.

2. Finding the right time and place to begin the conversation.

3. knowing how to start.

Let's start with the first hurdle. The decision to have a conversation of some great importance where you; a) reveal something about your self that puts you in a vulnerable position or, b) you address some issue that you feel must be resolved with your partner, is a difficult decision to make. It is really easy to get the situation all blown out of proportion in our own minds while we preview all the ways it can go bad. Some people have a much easier time having a frank discussion because of the nature of their personality. They are just very up-front people. Thats great if you are one of those people; but if you are not, consider a few bits of advise.
First of all, The sooner you do it the better. If you spend too much Time thinking about the situation your going to either end up talking yourself out of having this conversation all together or... you are going to Build the event up to such great proportions in your mind that you will end up going into the situation from a place of fear and end up lacking the confidence you need to state your case.

Secondly, if you are having difficulty deciding to take action, then maybe you should sit down with a pen and paper and write down the situation you are in as well as the benefits and costs of  not taking action. If you have a close friend who you can confide In, maybe it would be worth your while for them to be present when you do this exercise to help keep you honest about the true costs and benefits of the situation.

The second hurdle Is finding the right time and place. Honestly, if you are waiting for the right time and place It probably won't happen and even if it does you won't be ready for it. It's hard to make that transition from nervously waiting to suddenly acting with conviction and confidence. and while you are gathering your confidence, the moment passes you by. The best way to deal with this hurdle is to simply make a Plan to take action in a time and place of your choosing. Contact your partner and let them know you want to meet with them. You don't have to give away anything at this point. just let them know you want to meet someplace where you two can talk. It should be someplace where you both have the time and the privacy to be alone or at least out of the way of all your daily distractions. this is The time to take The Bull By the horns so to speak and make this happen in a way that is safe and balanced for both of you, maybe a Good way to do this is to take a drive But make sure you have someplace to park before getting into deep conversation. If this is a situation where maybe you don't trust your partners reaction and you don't feel comfortable being alone with them in a car. Go someplace where you can "hide in plain sight" and where your partner will have to think twice before blowing up in public. I am not saying it will for sure prevent a blow up because In todays society making a scene in public is not a deterrent like it was for my parent's generation. But at least you will both feel  safer about expressing yourself without the threat of aggression.

 Third and last hurdle is often just plain knowing how to start. Do you just blurt it out? Do you ease into it? There probably isn't a standard approach for everyone in every situation. The hardest part of it often is getting those first words out. It helps to have rehearsed a bit  what you might say. It is also important to pay attention to how you say it. Your body language and your tone speak volumes before you even speak the message. It is important to make not only your partner but yourself feel at ease so pay attention to your body language, if you are nervous and tense you will reveal that in your posture and your face as well as your eyes. the eyes truly are the window to the soul. Take a deep breath, and take a moment to release the tension in your shoulders, back and face before beginning.
some possible ways to begin might be:
- "I've been meaning to tell you something."
_ " I have something I want to talk about."

It is important to keep the Tone relaxed as much as possible. if are bringing up something to your partner that they might have done to hurt you, you may be tempted to start with an accusatory tone like:
"do you KNOW what you did to me?" while you are wagging your finger at them. But if what you want is a peaceful resolution I can assure you this probably ain't the way to go about it.  remember the end goal here is to maintain a healthy balanced and good feeling relationship so keep your actions congruent with that goal.
I hope this helps. have a Great day :)

Monday, April 25, 2011

Great to be Here!

Hey everyone! I just wanted to say a word of greetings to get this project underway. I hope each and everyone of you enjoy and get something new and important to you out of this blog. It is a huge step for me as i was raised Roman Catholic and in a very conservative Midwestern  culture and I am looking forward to some great discussions about intimacy between consenting adults and all aspects of sexuality. Let me begin by saying, I am by no means a sex god... I have had the wonderfully good fortune of being with some girls and women over the years who have had a great sense of openness toward  the adventurous side of their sexuality. I eventually ended up with a wonderful woman who I have been with for 13+ years and our sex life has continued to evolve and become more satisfying as time passes. This is an amazing feat for pretty much any married couple but it becomes even more amazing when you take into account the fact that my wife was a victim of sexual abuse as a child by her adoptive father and a victim of rape in her teenage years. Through constant communication, openness and acceptance of each others feelings, thoughts and ideas and trust building we have been able to play at all kinds of new sexual experiences including, Role play, oral sex, experimentation with positions, toy play, B&D and we keep learning and trying new experiences. It took time to create this wonderful and exciting sex life and at times it seemed like we were going backwards and I had to plead my case like a desperate trial lawyer, but eventually the excitement and bond that we have created over the years won out and new avenues of pleasure continue to be opened up to us.

I have two reasons for starting this blog and I will be straight up honest with you about them. The first: I am working on quiting my day job and working from home. I have several websites, one of which is an online adult toy and lingerie store  This blog is one of the ways I will be promoting the store and from time to time I will promote featured items from the store here but only if It's appropriated to the subject at hand. the second reason for this blog is, my wife and I have joked for years that we should council other couples especially couples who have one or both partners who have been victims of sexual abuse and are struggling to find joy and pleasure in their own sexuality. last year i decided to become a lifecoach and now it doesn't seem like such a crazy idea after all. So Welcome and lets talk about sex!