As crazy as it may seem, thousands of men have anecdotally reported that jelqs and other exercises do work, although not as effectively as the companies claim (Add four inches in two weeks.
Who are they kidding?) However, when done properly, the jelq can make the average ,male's penis firmer and harder.
The source of This exercise is unknown, although some believe it is an old Middle East technique.
According to author Gary Griffin, Sudanese Arab fathers taught their adolescent sons how to jelq in an effort to prepare them for manhood.
Regardless of where the origins of jelquing come from, penis enlargement does not happen overnight, and in most cases requires a brigade of exercises in order to add more than one inch.
One of the reasons I am writing this article is to not only dispel the confusion surrounding penis exercising and jelqing, but also to lay out the exercises that are safe and effective.
Here is a brief overview of how the do, a Basic penis enlargement program.
You'll want to warm up before you jelq.
No matter what ever you do, do not skip this step.
As one penis exerciser says, "Warming up is a lot like foreplay.
If you take the time to do it well, you get the results in a faster time.
Warming up involves applying heat to your penis for roughly five minutes.
There are several ways to keep warm.
The most common ways include:
First warm heating pad and wrap around your penis 2.
Using a wash cloth that's been dipped in hot water and applying it to your penis
Under a hot shower and let the water directly hit your penis 2 - APPLY LUBRICATION After heating, foam your penis with lubrication.
Lubrication will allow you to effectively jelq your penis.
The lubricants are the most common baby oil and vaseline.
Once you've applied lubrication to your penis, it's time to get your blood flowing.
You do not want an erection, but your penis size should increase between 50 and 75 percent.
In other words, you want your penis to be between semi-soft and semi-hard (whatever you do, don't jelq with a full blown erection as it is potentially dangerous).
4 - grip your penis with both hands, thumbs and hands to create an OK-grip (if you do it right, it's like giving someone the symbol OK).
Place the jelqing grip at the base of your penis.
You want the grip as close to your pubic bone humanly possible.
After the grip is in place, apply pressure to it and gently move it up your penis.
The optimum pressure is light but firm. be sure to apply pressure to all tissues inside of your penis.
Make sure to stop the jelq directly before you reach the head of your penis (do not jelq the head).
The entire jelq should be two or three seconds.
After you've done one jelq, subsequently take your other hand and repeat the process. For the first few weeks, do no more than 150 jelqs per workout. Always think safety be sure to stop if you feel pain or discomfort.
That said, you shouldn't jelq every day - especially in the beginning.
A penis training device I came accross put it best, Your Penis Needs Time to recover time to recover and periods of rest between training.
If you don't give your penis enough rest, then jelqing stops becoming healthy and starts becoming dangerous. Just like exercising your muscles, I will again repeat; Think Safety First! Whatever you do, make sure you:
* Always warming up
* Be gentle with your grip and intensity
* Never jelq with a full blown erection
* Don't jelq the head of your penis
Keep In mind! There is No magic Bullet and no one technique works for everyone.
always be safety conscious! check with your doctor if you notice any pain or an abnormal looking erection. Good luck and have fun with your new and improved male member.
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